The Vermont Law and Graduate School blog features insightful posts and articles written by JD, LLM and Master’s students, faculty members, and others. Explore engaging discussions on environmental law, energy law, food and agriculture law and policy, international law, human rights, and more. Our goal is to provide you with informative insights into the pressing issues shaping our world today.

Vermont Food Network, MICHAEL FORMICA ?98

August 7, 2016

While it’s become common in recent years to espouse the virtues of small, localized farming, Michael Formica isn’t one of the movement’s evangelists. ​”I’m ‘Big Bacon,’” he says, with a laugh.​

Vermont Food Network, AMY HUYFFER ?00

August 9, 2016

As a first-year law student Huyffer aspired to be a principled small-town lawyer, instead, her days now begin with 4 a.m. milking, arranging ​logistics for a dairy business, and caring for her children—four boys, ages six to thirteen.​

Great Outdoors, David Scott ’15

August 17, 2016

An aspiring bass fishing pro, VLS Alum David Scott ’15 came to South Royalton with the mission of protecting that waterways and what he loves.​​​​​

Great Outdoors, Kelly Nokes ’15

August 21, 2016

VLS Alum Kelly Nokes ’15 came to Vermont Law not only because of her passion for protecting the environment, but to satisfy her inner adrenaline junkie as well.