Strategic Plan

Since the 1970s, Vermont Law and Graduate School has been driven by a mission to make the world more sustainable and just through education. We’ve developed advocates, activists, and leaders—some 7,000 graduates—who’ve carried this mission to Main Street, Wall Street, the dusty roads of Smalltown, U.S.A., and abroad, working to effect change in areas ranging from criminal law to human rights to environmental law and policy.

Our Strategic Plan further extends that mission. It provides the means to move beyond borders to provide our unique education to students anywhere in the nation, anywhere in the world, affording them flexibility to balance academic goals with careers and 21st-century life.

VLGS has come to stand for innovation in law and policy education, pioneering programs, centers, clinics, and curricula. The Strategic Plan builds upon these successes and VLGS’s core strengths: an excellent juris doctor (JD) program; the nation’s best environmental, energy, and food systems law and policy curriculum; thriving law school-based master’s programs, among the first in the nation; a first-of-its-kind online program for master’s and master of laws (LLM) students; and groundbreaking experiential and international programs.

Now we have the opportunity to transform ourselves to lead in law and policy education in ways that adapt to a rapidly changing world. Technology, market, and cultural forces have profoundly altered the role of attorneys and other professionals, requiring us to equip our graduates with new capacities and new knowledge. The same forces are changing the process of education itself, eliminating the previous limitations imposed by physical distance, opening international opportunities, and pushing us toward a more flexible and outcome-based program that far surpasses the boundaries of our physical location in the Green Mountains of Vermont.

The Strategic Plan focuses on the drivers that will see us succeed. The Plan distills these changes into three basic mission-driven objectives and defines strategies and actions for each. We will:

Protect and Build on Our Existing Strengths.

VLGS will reinforce and enhance the existing strengths that are core to its identity and its mission to offer the best possible education, and to create a just and sustainable world.

Construct a Transformed Educational Model.

VLGS will reinvent the content and delivery of its education to increase accessibility, reduce costs, and better prepare graduates for professional roles in the 21st century.

Engage Students, Faculty, and Broader Community in a Permanent Process for Change.

VLGS will create a mechanism, distinct from the academic program, to support the incubation of faculty and student ideas, engage students and faculty in improving the world, and develop new sources of revenue for the school.

Achieving these objectives will ensure the future success and health of Vermont Law and Graduate School as we—the Board of Trustees, our faculty, and staff—carry forward the VLGS mission for future generations of students and alumni. Thank you to everyone in our community who helped shape the ideas outlined herein, and to those of you who embark on this journey with us.

Marc Mihaly
President and Dean

The world faces a daunting series of complex challenges. Overcoming these challenges requires bold action, creative thinking, and new approaches. Those attributes are at the heart of a forward-looking strategic plan designed by faculty and staff and adopted by the board of trustees. The plan will help the school achieve a sustainable economic model and ensure further growth in enrollment and institutional reputation by harnessing the momentum and intersectionality of environmentalism and justice reform to use law, policy, and leadership to make a difference.

Key Strategy No. 1 | Implementation Date: Effective July 1, 2022

Becoming a graduate institution will provide the foundation needed for unhindered programmatic growth, raise the visibility of the master’s programs, strengthen the JD program, elevate the school’s world-renowned environmental program and first-of-its-kind restorative justice program, and appeal to a wider audience of prospective students and donors. Importantly, the new structure will allow Vermont Law and Graduate School to pursue increased enrollments and maintain the flexibility to more easily add programs and degrees in response to market conditions and enrollment trends.

Key Strategy No. 2 | Implementation Date: Effective July 1, 2022

Bifurcating what has up to this point been a joint president/dean position will allow the president to have an enhanced focus on the higher-level strategies and external relationships that are important to the future of the school, and the strategic plan itself. Chief among their responsibilities will be securing transformational gifts and championing a comprehensive fundraising campaign. The plan also establishes separate dean positions for both the law and graduate schools.

Key Strategy No. 3 | Implementation Date: Fall 2023

Changes to the school’s master’s degree offerings—including three new degrees focused on climate change, environmental justice, animal protection, and equity—will enhance the rigor of the school’s master’s programs, provide greater relevancy and value to today’s students, and respond to the world’s most pressing needs. The new degrees are a Master of Climate and Environmental Policy (residential and online), an Executive Master of Environmental Policy (online only), and a Master of Animal Protection Policy (residential and online). These new degrees are public policy degrees and feature a robust set of core and environmental policy courses. This new curriculum, aspects of which will also be added to the existing Master of Energy Regulation and Law and Master of Food and Agriculture Law Policy degrees, will produce graduates with increased practical skills and enhanced career prospects. Additionally, look for exciting new programmatic news later this summer.

Beginning with its first class this fall, the new part-time Online Hybrid JD program will allow working professionals to earn a law degree while earning an income from anywhere in the country all while offering the same rigorous legal education as the residential JD. Delivered through a mixture of online classes and three brief, in-person residential sessions, the Online Hybrid JD will offer students the opportunity to specialize in environmental law, food and agriculture law, energy law, or restorative justice. Basing the program at the school’s Burlington facility leverages the city’s proximity to the largest legal and student communities in Vermont, as well as the convenience of being near ample amenities.

Planning for the future: 18 months and more than 700 stakeholders

The strategic plan summarized here is the result of an 18-month process that ultimately included more than 60 faculty and staff participating in working groups and committees. They solicited and received feedback from more than 700 alumni, students, prospective students, staff, faculty, and funders through surveys, town halls, focus groups, Q&A sessions, facilitated discussion groups, and more. This plan is the collective best work of an immensely talented and dedicated school community.

The largest donation in the school’s history to support the new direction

The new strategic plan received overwhelmingly affirmative votes of confidence from the board of trustees, faculty, and staff, but those are not the only groups who are enthusiastic about it. A foundation that wishes to remain anonymous has committed to donating $8 million to the school over a three- year period, with the bulk of the funding directly supporting the plan’s initiatives as well as the school’s signature environmental programs. This transformative gift, the largest in the school’s history, signals significant external support for the schools new direction and creates tremendous momentum for its implementation.

Vermont Law and Graduate School will capture the attention of an increasingly engaged citizenry seeking to improve the world—and prove that this is the place to obtain the skills to do so.