Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion at VLGS
Vermont Law and Graduate School aspires to become a more diverse community where individuals of all races, cultures, ethnicities, classes, religions, ages, gender identities, sexual orientations, physical abilities, and political views live and learn together in an atmosphere of open communication, acceptance, and understanding.

The VLGS Diversity Report and Plan (now VLGS Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion) was first created in 1998 to educate the VLGS community about the importance, purpose, goals, and progress of the law school’s diversity efforts. This document is periodically amended and subject to review, comment, and approval by the administration and faculty. It is also provided to the VLGS Board of Trustees for consideration and adoption.
This report mostly covers past activities from August 2017 to August 2020, as well as future plans for the next three years, from September 1, 2020, through August 31, 2023, after which the reporting and planning period will remain triennial, every three years: September 1 through August 31.
Law schools control access to the legal profession. In this role, Vermont Law and Graduate School has had an obligation to ensure that individuals who have been traditionally under-represented and have not had the opportunity to enter the profession are able to do so. The broader American society, and indeed the world, is culturally, racially, and ethnically diverse. We live in a global society where technology has largely eliminated geographic and cultural barriers to communication and commerce. To live up to the expectations of its motto, Lex Pro Urbe Et Orbe—Law for the Community and the World—Vermont Law and Graduate School must equip its students with the skills, knowledge, and understanding to reside as citizens and leaders in this increasingly diverse and dynamic world.
Diversity is a globally accepted concept that brings different people into the same place or territory. Inclusion introduces concrete methods and strategies to make diversity work. Equity among all people is the result.
- DIVERSITY is the existence of variations of different characteristics in a group of people that make us unique, such as cognitive skills and personality traits, along with things that shape our identity, such as race, gender, age, sexual orientation, religion, and cultural background.
- INCLUSION refers to the procedures organizations implement to integrate everyone in the workplace, allowing their difference to coexist in a mutually beneficial way. The goal of inclusion strategies is to make everyone feel accepted and comfortable, ready to share their opinions and thoughts without hesitation.
- EQUITY(Equality) is justice free from bias or favoritism.
Read More About Our Diversity and Inclusion Plan
VLGS Anti-Racism Statement
Vermont Law and Graduate School Commitment to Anti-Racism and Support for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
Approved by the VLGS Faculty March 11, 2021
Vermont Law and Graduate School is committed to equity and inclusion. As an institution of higher education, we recognize that the law has too often neglected Black, Brown, and Indigenous peoples, as well as members of the LGBTQ community, and has been used to legitimize the inhumane treatment of marginalized groups within these communities. From Tulsa to Flint, from Selma to Stonewall, from mass incarceration to police brutality, experience has proven that justice in America is not, in fact, blind.
Therefore, we commit to the fight against inherent ignorance, intolerance, and racial and social injustice, through teaching and scholarship, research and practice, open discussion, and public events. We believe in providing a learning environment that is inclusive of all people, regardless of race, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, religion, nationality, ethnicity, ability, age, or socioeconomic class.
As a community, we are implementing anti-racism practices and pedagogy. We support and celebrate diversity through the efforts described in Vermont Law and Graduate School’s Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Plan.
Read More About Our Disability Policies and Procedures
Student Affairs
The Office of Student Affairs (OSA) serves as the primary focal point for addressing student needs, issues, and concerns and serves as a resource and referral office for all faculty, staff, and students. The OSA also represents the student’s perspective on the Vermont Law and Graduate School community.
This office works with all segments of the Vermont Law and Graduate School community to help students develop through opportunities, advice, and assistance. The Director of Student Affairs provides consultation, new program development, and assistance with special projects. The OSA publishes the Student Handbook, advises the Student Bar Association (SBA), coordinates campus-wide community meetings, supervises first-year orientation, coordinates crisis intervention and emergency response strategies in conjunction with the Administration, and promotes the academic and personal growth and development of all students.
The secondary function of the OSA includes oversight of student event planning and sponsorship or participation in programming, as well as Commencement and related activities and events.
The OSA also oversees the Student Ambassador Program. Student Ambassadors report to the Director of Student Affairs and are responsible for assisting with Fall Orientation, Alumni Affair events, Development activities, Admissions Open House, and other various events. When not in class, Ambassadors are on-call and responsive to campus emergencies and last-minute event needs, whenever requested by the OSA.
Finally, the OSA also manages student lockers and VLGS identification cards. There are blocks of time set aside during orientation week for new students, faculty, and staff to get VLGS ID cards. An email announcement will go out when lockers are ready for rent. Please see Theresa Johnson, Assistant Director for Student Affairs, if you have questions about lockers or ID cards.
Student Portal: Click here to open the login to the internal Student Affairs Portal site (A VLGS e-mail is required to access)