• Alumni
  • IEE Graduate

Katie Johnson Treadway


  • Senior Vice President and Head of Regulatory Affairs
  • One Energy


  • JD 2013


One Energy specializes in Wind for Industry®. We develop utility scale wind turbines behind the meter at industrial facilities to help our industrial customers offset their energy costs and achieve their sustainability goals. As Regulatory Counsel, I am part of a team that is responsible for the company’s legal matters and ensure I that One Energy remains at the forefront of legal and regulatory issues in the energy industry.Prior to joining One Energy, I was an Assistant Attorney General at the Ohio Attorney General’s Office. There, I represented the Public Utilities Commission of Ohio and the Ohio Power Siting Board in proceedings before the Commission and the Supreme Court of Ohio. I am admitted to the bar in the State of Ohio and the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Ohio.

When you are working on challenging issues day-to-day, it is easy to forget the bigger picture and why you are doing what you are doing. The Institute gave me the opportunity to work on energy matters on the national level and to draw comparisons from state to state. And working with the Energy Justice team, we developed case studies of energy generation issues and water scarcity in the developing world. It really gave me the bigger picture of the energy challenges that different parts of the world face. This bigger picture keeps me driven to do my best to transform the energy industry in a positive way.