Events Calendar
Stay informed and stay engaged with the VLGS Events Calendar. Expand your knowledge with stimulating discussions from our symposiums, webinars, and weekly info sessions. Our calendar is your go-to resource for staying ahead of the latest happenings within the Vermont Law and Graduate School community.Â
Environmental Justice Law Society Panel
Where: Chase When: 5 pm – 7pm, Friday January 18th What: Panel and Training on Community Organizing and Legal Tactics in Environmental Justice Communities. Objective: The Panel will provide students with information on the local organizations in Vermont that work on Environmental Justice Issues. The training will provide skills on how to […]
“For Ahkeem” Film Screening
Following the "The Dream is for All of Us" lecture, join us for a special screening of the award-winning documentary For Ahkeem. For more information about the film, please visit the official website.
U.S. National Forests: Financial and Environmental Challenges
President and CEO of the National Forest Foundation, Mary Mitsos, will speak about the NFF is working with other organizations to improve land management policies and impacts.
SBA Blood Drive
Over the holidays, the Red Cross collected about 27,000 fewer blood and platelet donors than needed! The Red Cross has an emergency need for blood and platelet donors to #GiveNow to help ensure lifesaving medical treatments and emergency care are not delayed or canceled this winter. Sign up today for the Blood Drive […]
2019 University of Alabama Law School Fair
The annual Law School Fair, held early each spring semester, attracts recruiters from law schools across the country providing students the opportunity to be introduced to a variety of institutions at one time, without requiring extensive travel and planning. The Law School Fair is an excellent venue to make connections with the schools you are planning to apply and […]