Events Calendar
Stay informed and stay engaged with the VLGS Events Calendar. Expand your knowledge with stimulating discussions from our symposiums, webinars, and weekly info sessions. Our calendar is your go-to resource for staying ahead of the latest happenings within the Vermont Law and Graduate School community.Â

Eighth Annual VLS Energy Law and Policy Symposium
While COVID-19 once again requires us to modify plans to fully hold the eighth annual VLS Energy Law and Policy Symposium in person, we have shifted this year's exciting panel discussion of "The Biden-Harris Administration and Leadership for the Clean Energy Transition," to a virtual format. Brought to you by the VLS Alumni in […]
VJEL Symposium: The World of Waste in a Wasteful World
The Vermont Journal of Environmental Law at VLS Presents its Annual Symposium on Saturday, October 16th, 2021, from 8:00am–5:00pm. The event will be virtual with a live stream on the VLS Livestream Events Page. This year’s symposium is titled “A World of Waste in a Wasteful World". The symposium has four panels: Ocean/Water Pollution, […]
Philadelphia Law Fair
Stop by the VLS virtual booth to speak with a VLS admissions counselor and get answers to your questions. We look forward to meeting you!
Philadelphia Law Fair (Drexel Event) – Virtual
Stop by the VLS virtual booth to speak with a VLS admissions counselor and get answers to your questions. We look forward to meeting you!
Moorehouse Pre-Law Fair – Virtual
Stop by the VLS virtual booth to speak with a VLS admissions counselor and get answers to your questions. We look forward to meeting you!
Embedded Racism in the Law: A Reckoning on Economics, Race, Climate Change, and the Covid-19 Pandemic
Vermont Law School Presents Embedded Racism in the Law Discussion What Does This Moment Require From Us: A Reckoning on Economics, Race, Climate Change, and the Covid-19 Pandemic Guest Speaker: Jacqueline Patterson Founder and Executive Director of the Chisholm Legacy Project Jacqueline Patterson is founder and executive director of the […]
Atlanta JD LSAC Forum – In Person
Stop by the VLS booth to speak with a VLS admissions counselor and get answers to your questions. We look forward to meeting you!
Atlanta LLM LSAC Forum – In Person
Stop by the VLS booth to speak with a VLS admissions counselor and get answers to your questions. We look forward to meeting you!
Domestic Violence Awareness Month – Lunch and Learn
In recognition that October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month, the VLS mental Health Committee and Student Services Present: Domestic Violence: How Best To Address Its Impact Join us for a lunch & learn panel discussion on Domestic Violence; from the personal, Title IX, the courts, to the greater community here in Vermont. […]
Jewish Law Student Association Meeting
The first meeting for the Jewish Law Student Association will take place this Thursday, 10/28 at 4:30 PM. The meeting is open to any students and staff interested. The meeting will include introductions for all present, information on running for an eBoard position, discussions on upcoming events, and feedback from attendees on what they […]