Professor Laura Fox (JD/MELP’13), Professor Delcianna Winders, Jenny Bass (JD’24), Vanessa Kranz (JD’25), Daria Bednarczyk (JD’25/MELP’23), Professor Pamela Vesilind (JD’08), Emmanuel Omirin (LLM’24), Professor Laura Ireland, Lara Herrmann (JD/MAPP’26), and Reena Garcia (JD/MAPP’26)
Last weekend, NYU hosted the 2024 Brooks Institute Animal Studies Academic Network (BASAN) Animal Law Student Summit bringing together faculty and students from VLGS, NYU, Harvard, Wesleyan, Lewis & Clark, Yale, CU Denver, and the University of Toronto.
The weekend included the Wild Animal Welfare Symposium with leaders in animal ethics, law, and policy. During the Summit, representatives shared an impressive list of updates from their respective animal law and studies programs, and attendees shared ideas for coordination and collaborations. There was a lively panel discussion on how academics, advocates, and policymakers can more productively work together to advance protections for animals. Faculty and students had an opportunity to network and build connections while enjoying time together in New York City.