Canned Photography: Animals, Not-So-Wild Images, and Lawlessness

Hosted by the New York University Animal Studies Program with support from the The Brooks Institute for Animal Rights Law and Policy, Inc.

Watch the Recording Here

Description: “Stock photographs of apparently wild animals in apparently wild settings are frequently used for calendars, websites, and fundraising appeals—including by environmental and animal advocacy organizations. Unbeknownst to most, these photographs are frequently of captive wildlife held by unaccredited—and often unlicensed—exhibitors with well-documented records of animal abuse and neglect—a practice that Professor Winders has termed “canned photography.” Despite myriad violations of federal and state laws, these lawless animal suppliers continue to operate profitably. This talk will expose the rampant practice of canned photography, detail the legal violations of the key players involved, summarize the legal regime that has failed to meaningfully address chronic violations, and propose reforms.”